Sally gave up her crown as Miss Cherokee County Teen this week. It was bitter-sweet. She is glad to be done since its her senior year but I know she is missing her role alrready.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Forever the Princess of my heart
Sally gave up her crown as Miss Cherokee County Teen this week. It was bitter-sweet. She is glad to be done since its her senior year but I know she is missing her role alrready.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The month of November is one of my favs. Mainly because of my Birthday and then its right before Christmas. But this one topped it all. I actually don't know where to begin so I will start with the best part.
Adam had to be out of town on my bday so we celebrated a few days early. Ad took me to one of my favorite restaurants the Melting Pot and it was Emily's favorite things night. My gifts were given to me with the flow of dinner. First was cheese fondu and my gift of chocalate covered pretzels, then salads and my gift of really fun pens. Then :) really fun sticky notes. Last but not least right before desert I received one of the best presents I have ever gotten from Adam. My first real strand of pearls. He did this all on his own. I def. cried and was so excited that I exclaimed I wearing these when I give birth to my children!
It was a wonderful night. I spent the weekend with the fam which is always wonderful. Thanksgiving was a beautiful time with our families. We ate until we popped, literally and now we are anxiously awaiting ouf favorite time of the year. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well.
Much Love E
Adam had to be out of town on my bday so we celebrated a few days early. Ad took me to one of my favorite restaurants the Melting Pot and it was Emily's favorite things night. My gifts were given to me with the flow of dinner. First was cheese fondu and my gift of chocalate covered pretzels, then salads and my gift of really fun pens. Then :) really fun sticky notes. Last but not least right before desert I received one of the best presents I have ever gotten from Adam. My first real strand of pearls. He did this all on his own. I def. cried and was so excited that I exclaimed I wearing these when I give birth to my children!
It was a wonderful night. I spent the weekend with the fam which is always wonderful. Thanksgiving was a beautiful time with our families. We ate until we popped, literally and now we are anxiously awaiting ouf favorite time of the year. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well.
Much Love E
Sunday, November 11, 2007
When I was a little girl I was so proud to be an American. I know that sounds cheesy but I was. I love the 4th of July and still do. I loved seeing the F-14's fly over and would jump up and down at the thought of it. My mom is the same way. Boy, did our lives become impacted when I met Adam. Don't get me wrong I really liked him but the first time I saw him in his BDU's (Battle dress uniform) I was hooked. In September of 2000 Adam left for Basic Training and by April of 2001 he was at Fort Bening GA for Airborne school. Yes my Adam jumped out of airplanes for years. He loved it! But most importantly he loved his Country. I wanted to share a few stories from his time in Afghanistan and Iraq with you today on Veterans Day. Adam shared these stories this morning in church.
In the above picture my paratropper had broken his toe the night before and was on duty in the picture. We were so fortunate that was all that ever happened to him. Its my favorite picture from his time serving besides the one where we were in each others arms on March 18, 2004, the day he came home from Iraq, two months before we married. I have never been so happy in my whole life to see his face and touch him. I was able to see fathers meet their daughters for the first time and wives hug the men they have waited on for months. Now, to God's protection.
I am not great with all the Army lingo but basically Adam and buddies were standing outside a mess tent with mortor rounds were fired into their base in Iraq. The killing span of a mortor is about 90 feet. This mortor hit 45 feet from Adam and his friend Dirk. The mortor never exploded about 20 more were fired and never hit inside base all of them exploded. If something awful had happened Adam would be with our Savior. As hard as that would have been at least I would have had that peace. Dirk on the other is not a Christian. We still pray for him often. God spared Adam and men in his unit, daily. In 13 months of deployments only 1 man was lost. SGT 1st Class, Jose Rivera. Sgt. Rivera was a wonderful man who led men all over Iraq with great skill. He was a great paratrooper. Adam has told many other stories that burden my heart but I stand in firm in my belief that my Husband help liberate two countries. I am forver proud and overwhelmingly patriotic! I love this land that God has blessed me to live in and I hope you do too.
Please pray for our troops. They sacrafice daily, even at this moment death is lurking all around but Praise God He is there protecting and remainging steadfast in His promises.
God Bless America!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Mr. Burgess
I have the best husband ever. These past few weeks I have been so overwhelmed with work, church, & life. I came home today to a clean home and supper on the table because he has Thursday afternoons off. He is the most amazing man and I blessed to call him MINE.
Thank you for loving me with all of you daily. You are the best thing outside of Christ that has happened to me. I know loving me and tolerating me can be a full time job and you are the best at it. I love you! E
Thank you for loving me with all of you daily. You are the best thing outside of Christ that has happened to me. I know loving me and tolerating me can be a full time job and you are the best at it. I love you! E
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
good times
These past few weeks have been very busy. Adam & I have been strugling to be everywhere we need to be so I thought I would share some highlights.
1) Weekend at the lake-Adam and I spent the weekend at Lake Lure with my cousin Caroline and her "friend" Ben. We had a blast. From a sunset cruise to dinner at Larkins on the Lake it was filled with constant laughter. Saturday we traveled to Asheville and enjoyed the glorious world the Lord has given us.
2) Homecoming at NGU. I am the Campus Ambassador advisor for the campus which means I keep students busy with lots of work for the Admissions office. This past week with them was so much fun. On Friday night we went to a haunted trail. I was terrified but I acted brave. It was a wonderful time of bonding through fear! :)
3) The best time of all was the Fall Festival at our church. Adam rented an inflatable obstacle course, we had a trail ride, face painting (thanks to me & Rachel), games, & food galore! Oh yes there was candy too. I was a fairy. I couldn't resit dressing up. The kids loved seeing me with a blond wig and fairy wings.
Adam & I are so blessed to be living the life we have. So bring on November! This month is my favorite. My birthday, Thanksgiving, & Christmas around the corner.
1) Weekend at the lake-Adam and I spent the weekend at Lake Lure with my cousin Caroline and her "friend" Ben. We had a blast. From a sunset cruise to dinner at Larkins on the Lake it was filled with constant laughter. Saturday we traveled to Asheville and enjoyed the glorious world the Lord has given us.
2) Homecoming at NGU. I am the Campus Ambassador advisor for the campus which means I keep students busy with lots of work for the Admissions office. This past week with them was so much fun. On Friday night we went to a haunted trail. I was terrified but I acted brave. It was a wonderful time of bonding through fear! :)
3) The best time of all was the Fall Festival at our church. Adam rented an inflatable obstacle course, we had a trail ride, face painting (thanks to me & Rachel), games, & food galore! Oh yes there was candy too. I was a fairy. I couldn't resit dressing up. The kids loved seeing me with a blond wig and fairy wings.
Adam & I are so blessed to be living the life we have. So bring on November! This month is my favorite. My birthday, Thanksgiving, & Christmas around the corner.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Blessed be the horn of our Salvation
Zechariah's Prophecy
67 Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit (BC) and prophesied: (BD)
68 Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, (BE)
because He has visited
and provided redemption for His people. (BF)
69 He has raised up a horn of salvation [s] for us (BG)
in the house of His servant David, (BH)
70 just as He spoke by the mouth
of His holy prophets in ancient times; (BI)
71 salvation from our enemies
and from the clutches [t] of those who hate us.
72 He has dealt mercifully with our fathers (BJ)
and remembered His holy covenant (BK) —
73 the oath that He swore to our father Abraham. (BL)
He has given us the privilege,
74 since we have been rescued
from our enemies' clutches, [u]
to serve Him without fear
75 in holiness and righteousness
in His presence all our days.
76 And child, you will be called
a prophet of the Most High, (BM)
for you will go before the Lord
to prepare His ways, (BN)
77 to give His people knowledge of salvation
through the forgiveness of their sins. (BO)
78 Because of our God's merciful compassion,
the Dawn from on high (BP) will visit us
79 to shine on those who live in darkness
and the shadow of death, (BQ)
to guide our feet into the way of peace.
I wanted to share what the Lord shared with me tonight. I am slowly going through a Beth Moore study and I wanted to shout with joy tonight with what I am learning.
"Blessed be the horn of our salvation! Jesus Christ was the ram whose head was wrapped in thorns (see Gen. 22) to secure God's blessing for all who would recieve it. The very heart of the gospel is realizing that God not simply provide a sacrafice for us but instead of us. That is the good news. There is only on way to recieve it after we have understood it- with profound humilty and gratitude.
No matter what is going on in my life and in the lives of those close to me He is going to provide. I am determined to let him have my fears that are all around in this time of question.
Dear Lord~ Only you know the concerns that are on your daughters heart. I give them to you. Take them all, from the ones I might could handle and the ones I have no chance to solve. Protect those that I am burdended for. Help me to encourage them and be there for them. Please move in their hearts and Lord I claim you salvation on their lives. Thank you for providing a sacrafice. Fill my heart, my home, and may everything I touch leave your mark and not mine. I love you. Amen
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Thrill of Brazil
I haven't had a pedicure in a long time and tonight I splurged on myself. I had a little bit of tramatic news today, everything is good but still tramatic. I needed to relax and be by myself. So off I went to relax. My toes are most always red and on our wedding night my toes were sports car red and tonight I am the Thrill of bad Adam doesn't feel like his own thrill of brazil. We are still recovering from our colds. A hacking cough and snotty noses aren't too romantic. Oh well I could just stare at him forever anyway.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Let me start by saying I respect what I know about Ellen Degeneras because I don't feel like she pushes her beliefs on her tv show. She is always funny and polite and does her job. Well I am watching E tonight which I have to admit is a guilty pleasure and see her sobbing on tv over a dog. I love dogs and most animals but lets face it and hope no one kills me on this one. Its a DOG. Not a human. Basically she is devasted because she adopted a puppy, couldn't keep it, and gave it to her a family friend. Well in the paperwork from the adoption agency she is to only give the dog back if he doesn't work out. She is outraged because the dog was taken from these kids and now they are upset. I understand that its hard if a puppy is taken away. But why oh why are people not outraged and crying about the children starving across our nation or other major injustices. Why are we concerned over a puppy? Tonight I was convicted about caring about what celebs are doing. I should be much more concerned with worldy happenings not what is happening in tinsel town.
Now that all thats off my chest. We have a busy week. Next week is homecoming at NGU. Adam is sick with thte cold that I had last week. Except he is much sicker. Hopefully he will be ready for the full weekend we have planned with Caroline and Ben. The Lord has been busy at church. Adam received a raise, Awana is growing and maintaining, and the youth keep us as busy as ever. I pray the Lord will continue to bless us as week seek Him.
Now that all thats off my chest. We have a busy week. Next week is homecoming at NGU. Adam is sick with thte cold that I had last week. Except he is much sicker. Hopefully he will be ready for the full weekend we have planned with Caroline and Ben. The Lord has been busy at church. Adam received a raise, Awana is growing and maintaining, and the youth keep us as busy as ever. I pray the Lord will continue to bless us as week seek Him.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
old friends
Three years ago this week Adam and I began our service at Reedy River Baptist Church, in Greenville, SC. The Rev. Rodney Jeanes was the pastor at the time serving beside his wife and at the time 4 young babies. Joseph, Reanna, Ryan, & Jason. Ralinda, his wife, was 8 months pregnant with Jayln. Jayln Grace Jeanes was born Oct. 4. I fell in love with that child from the moment I first held her. She loving called me " Mommy me" as soon as she could say it. Jayln knew my love for her and Adam knew my love for her. Of course I loved the other 4 just as much but J and I have a bond.
Last Dec. Rodney and Ralinda left RRBC and now after a long journey are in Easley, SC. Well last night the gang got together. We laughed and played until midnight. J and I had a blast she now calls me Emily which breaks my heart but her love for me hasn't changed. Now she even loves Ad. In fact they had a ball together last night. She chattered away with him and he loving tossed her about and answered to her every whim.
Lately women have been on my mind. From my sister, to Kayte, my sis in law, to my mom,to my cousin Jessi finding out they were having a girl, and everyone in between. But I wanted to get my love also to all the women who have impacted my life young and old. I love you and I appreciate you. I long to be a Mom and you have helped me to wait on Jesus to bless and I know He will.
Last Dec. Rodney and Ralinda left RRBC and now after a long journey are in Easley, SC. Well last night the gang got together. We laughed and played until midnight. J and I had a blast she now calls me Emily which breaks my heart but her love for me hasn't changed. Now she even loves Ad. In fact they had a ball together last night. She chattered away with him and he loving tossed her about and answered to her every whim.
Lately women have been on my mind. From my sister, to Kayte, my sis in law, to my mom,to my cousin Jessi finding out they were having a girl, and everyone in between. But I wanted to get my love also to all the women who have impacted my life young and old. I love you and I appreciate you. I long to be a Mom and you have helped me to wait on Jesus to bless and I know He will.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Today is our Fall break at NGU, so of course I am sick on my day off fighting this head cold. But I did get to watch Oprah. Jessica Seinfield was one of her guest, promoting Deceptively Delicious, her new recipe book. The book is focused on puree...yes...puree. Basically she hides good veggies in her kids food. WOW I need this for me. I have the worst habits. I think I might try it on Adam and see what he thinks. Anyway if you want to check it out, go to and you will see the link for Jessica Seinfield. I will keep you updated on our new puree recipes.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Power of Prayer

The four people in this picture are some of my favorite people. The women in the middle of these precious boys is my Mom's best friend, GB. On her left is Reid, behind is Hatcher, and in her lap is Harrison. In July of 2001 GB's husband Bill died suddenly in the middle of the night. Harrison was 6 months old. I knew her personal strength all my life. Last month she left for a year long mission trip with "the boys." I recieved an email this morning from my Mom this morning and I wept with joy for these four. In this picture they are at the breakroom at the International House of Prayer where they will be for about 4-6 months or until the Lord tells her otherwise. From here they will go to Thailand and work at Im Jai house (an orphange) for however long. I must admit I am envious. Could I do this? Could I trust God after He didn't save my husband from death? Could I just take my 3 boys and trust him to take care of me? Well GB trusted and below is the email that she sent. I hope you are blessed by reading this.
International House of Prayer
Kansas City, MO
September 30, 2007
I am awestruck by how God continues to work in my children. Attached are several photos of us this past week.
Photo 1 – Harrison
Harrison is next in line to pray for the Island of Fiji. He did not know where or what it was and asked me, “What should I pray?” I responded, “Ask God, He will tell you.” His prayer: “God bless the children and give them the sword of your spirit.” He has become quite the prayer warrior here.
Photo 2 and 3: Reid and Hatcher praying for healing.
Graham Walsh taught our class on Wednesday about the power of healing prayer. At the end he prayed over individuals in our class. Many were healed, including myself for neck pain I’d had for at least 4 months. Reid is helping Graham pray for a man’s knee, he had a 50% reduction in his pain level. Hatcher (photo 3) is praying for a Korean woman who was on crutches and in severe pain. Her leg grew about 1 inch in length as the group prayed and watched. She walked around afterwards (without the crutches) and kept nodding her head looking slightly in shock.
Reid has had 2 different occurrences of someone walking up and prophesying over him, both words were almost identical. I see that he is taking this knowledge of what God has in store for him in a very serious and deep way.
Photo 4: As a family we helped usher at one of the services. The boys especially liked wearing the vests.
Photo 5: Taking a break from the prayer room at the coffee shop next door. What a special time for us to be together in worshiping the Lord and learning deeper truths of God’s word.
We pray for Cherokee County every week. Tonight Reid prayed for you over the microphone. Join us in praying for our county to be a place so filled with the presence of God that visitors notice it when they drive into the county limits.
God’s blessings to you all,
Gloria and boys
Kansas City, MO
September 30, 2007
I am awestruck by how God continues to work in my children. Attached are several photos of us this past week.
Photo 1 – Harrison
Harrison is next in line to pray for the Island of Fiji. He did not know where or what it was and asked me, “What should I pray?” I responded, “Ask God, He will tell you.” His prayer: “God bless the children and give them the sword of your spirit.” He has become quite the prayer warrior here.
Photo 2 and 3: Reid and Hatcher praying for healing.
Graham Walsh taught our class on Wednesday about the power of healing prayer. At the end he prayed over individuals in our class. Many were healed, including myself for neck pain I’d had for at least 4 months. Reid is helping Graham pray for a man’s knee, he had a 50% reduction in his pain level. Hatcher (photo 3) is praying for a Korean woman who was on crutches and in severe pain. Her leg grew about 1 inch in length as the group prayed and watched. She walked around afterwards (without the crutches) and kept nodding her head looking slightly in shock.
Reid has had 2 different occurrences of someone walking up and prophesying over him, both words were almost identical. I see that he is taking this knowledge of what God has in store for him in a very serious and deep way.
Photo 4: As a family we helped usher at one of the services. The boys especially liked wearing the vests.
Photo 5: Taking a break from the prayer room at the coffee shop next door. What a special time for us to be together in worshiping the Lord and learning deeper truths of God’s word.
We pray for Cherokee County every week. Tonight Reid prayed for you over the microphone. Join us in praying for our county to be a place so filled with the presence of God that visitors notice it when they drive into the county limits.
God’s blessings to you all,
Gloria and boys
Sunday, September 30, 2007
This has been one long weekend.
A. Successful Encounter Day (open house) at NGU.
B. Sally Ann, Adam, and I had great family time, along with my Mom on Saturday.
C. My Daddy is still hurting. For those of you who don't know Dad had some tests in May and since he has not been able to walk long distances and is in constant pain. This makes me hurt for him. I hate to see him in pain. Please pray for spiritual and physical healing. He is suffering and I know Jesus will set him free.
D. Homecoming in a really traditional church= need I say more?
E. AWANA ministry Sunday night=a very short Sunday nap.
But I am now with my husband and I am happy even if the golf channel is on right now.
A. Successful Encounter Day (open house) at NGU.
B. Sally Ann, Adam, and I had great family time, along with my Mom on Saturday.
C. My Daddy is still hurting. For those of you who don't know Dad had some tests in May and since he has not been able to walk long distances and is in constant pain. This makes me hurt for him. I hate to see him in pain. Please pray for spiritual and physical healing. He is suffering and I know Jesus will set him free.
D. Homecoming in a really traditional church= need I say more?
E. AWANA ministry Sunday night=a very short Sunday nap.
But I am now with my husband and I am happy even if the golf channel is on right now.
Friday, September 28, 2007
little pup big bark
Just a few videos for my Mom to see what the puppy has been up too. Penny the small dotson was introduced to Toby the big mixed lab. They bonded. The picture shows Penny in Adams recliner this morning.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday was another very hard day. Work was long and tiring. I try to leave work at work. The only work that is continious is God's. Tonight at church was great. Adam taught a lesson about David's character. It brings me great joy to see our new young Christians digging deep. Logan (who is 16 and young in his walk) could not get his head around God allowing David & Batheshebas baby to die. Why? He kept asking, why would God take Davids child-he didn't do anything. I know its a hard question but its so good because he is questioning and wanted Jesus to teach him. Logan is going to be a great tool for Jesus.
Then on the way home I was listening to a preacher on the radio which I normally cannot do. I came in at the middle but God used what little I heard. I have been struggling with where I seek praise and I have always been dramatic. Not drama queen whiny but just oh woe is me my day was bad even if it really wasn't that bad. This pastor was teaching on just having fun in God. Just take some time to laugh and love your Jesus. I have to learn to do this daily I know it will help take the edge off. I have learned that if I dance around like a crazy person when the stress comes on it will help. I have proven this many times. Try it just think about the SugarHill Gang ( i think thats the name of the band) song Apache and hum the Jump on it part in your head while dancing around and you will smile. :) God loves for me to smile.
Then on the way home I was listening to a preacher on the radio which I normally cannot do. I came in at the middle but God used what little I heard. I have been struggling with where I seek praise and I have always been dramatic. Not drama queen whiny but just oh woe is me my day was bad even if it really wasn't that bad. This pastor was teaching on just having fun in God. Just take some time to laugh and love your Jesus. I have to learn to do this daily I know it will help take the edge off. I have learned that if I dance around like a crazy person when the stress comes on it will help. I have proven this many times. Try it just think about the SugarHill Gang ( i think thats the name of the band) song Apache and hum the Jump on it part in your head while dancing around and you will smile. :) God loves for me to smile.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
1) Long day at work...I do work in a Christian University but sometimes it is so hard!
2) I have the greatest husband ever. I came home to small things done that come across as the biggest ever.
3) My sister is coming Thursday. I get three days with her and I cannot wait!
4) I get to see my family 3 weekends in a row. God is good!
5) The people in the above picture make me happy!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Love Comes Softly

Thursday, September 20, 2007
my children
Last night (Wednesday) Adam and I took our youth along with another church to a concert in Spartanburg. Our students were placed with students from another church at camp. Well they became fast friends and we try to do stuff together since they are from Greenville. The Calvary kids we affectionately call them. So last night we took off with a bus full of fun. PJ Burgess is apprently really my kid in fact more than once last night I heard mommy can I sit with you or mommy tell Brandon to live me alone? He warms my heart. I know God has given me these special gifts until I have my own kids to follow me around. Anyway, the concert was at Spartanburg FBC. The Hanger is what they call their student center. A multi-millon dollar building. Its amazing what God has done there. They average 400 to 500 kids on any Wednesday night. Its amazing. Our dear friend Jack Eason, who introduced Adam and I was there with his band along with Foster Christy. I love this man. Understand I really don't like to hug many men. Even men at church that I know. But Foster gives the best big hugs. He was a running back ( i think) at Auburn in the early 80's. This man is the best. Jack Eason is the lead singer for the Sound of Light band. The Sound of Light is a radio ministry out of Spartanburg. If you get a His Radio affiliate listen on Saturday nights from 7pm to 10pm. This is great music for youth and always an awesome message. Back to the night. Our kids were so happy because they were able to see Jack and Foster, who were at camp, plus their friends. It was a wonderful night.
At the end 2 things.
1) The best thing!! One of our on accepted Jesus into their heart. We have been investing in the young man for awhile and I couldn't be happier that he surrendered.
2) Jack had been to South Africa with Cross International over the summer and the night before had saved 100 orphans from a village through giving. Last night he challenged us to search our own hearts to give sacrificially toward saving the last 40. Well it would take 2800.00 to save the last 40 for a year. Oh how I wished I had 2800.00 I don't know what was raised but it made me wonder about our child Kinfe. How is he and what can I pray about for him. I just pray that I can continue to give as Jesus wants me to and I know that He will take care of these last 40 orphans.
At the end 2 things.
1) The best thing!! One of our on accepted Jesus into their heart. We have been investing in the young man for awhile and I couldn't be happier that he surrendered.
2) Jack had been to South Africa with Cross International over the summer and the night before had saved 100 orphans from a village through giving. Last night he challenged us to search our own hearts to give sacrificially toward saving the last 40. Well it would take 2800.00 to save the last 40 for a year. Oh how I wished I had 2800.00 I don't know what was raised but it made me wonder about our child Kinfe. How is he and what can I pray about for him. I just pray that I can continue to give as Jesus wants me to and I know that He will take care of these last 40 orphans.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
On Sunday night I had a normal Hopper/McCraw meltdown. I couldn't explain it but I was furious with my husband over many stupid things. Adam has become my compliment giver. I almost demand praise from him and when I don't get I fall apart. I know sometimes your husband should be your encouragement but he had become my source. Attention please is what I tell him when I feel sorry for myself and I need something.
Today at work, I listened to one of Beth Moore's 30 minute online Bible studies. You can imagine at work I miss alot of what she is saying but today the end struck me. I want to be praised by my husband, my mom, etc. I am addicted to someone saying you are such a good wife, good co-worker, etc. I look for it. Everyday. I must not look for mans praise. I must seek God's approval only.
Lord, I only want you. Only your encouragement. May I praise you contantly. Help me to give you my all. All my worries and desires. Please fulfill my heart with your love. Amen.
Today at work, I listened to one of Beth Moore's 30 minute online Bible studies. You can imagine at work I miss alot of what she is saying but today the end struck me. I want to be praised by my husband, my mom, etc. I am addicted to someone saying you are such a good wife, good co-worker, etc. I look for it. Everyday. I must not look for mans praise. I must seek God's approval only.
Lord, I only want you. Only your encouragement. May I praise you contantly. Help me to give you my all. All my worries and desires. Please fulfill my heart with your love. Amen.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Date night...
Tonight was date night. We haven't had date night in so long...we have had lets go grab a bite to eat nights but not something fun and sweet. So tonight in the pouring rain my hubby and I went to the movies. I must tell you we are tight. I mean we hate to spend too much money especially when it comes to movies. I am not really sure if this is "breaking the law" but we definitely went to Eckerd and got Sour Patch Kids for Adam and Milk Duds for me PLUS some combos just in case. I stuck it all in my big black bag and off we went. Once in the movies, Adam needed popcorn and I need Dr. Pepper. Lets just say when the Nanny Diaries was over I was about explode from junk. Lots of junk. (btw the Nanny Diaries was cute especially for me since that was my job for 4 years.)
One of the first lines in the movies was "one thing you can count on in life is a suprise." Oh how true this has been for me these past few months. Don't get me wrong Jesus is my constant but I would be wrong in saying He doesn't suprise me. But what would my life be like if wasn't suprised? So bring on the suprises. :) Jesus will take care of me and my Ad.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
8 random Facts
So I was tagged by Katie to list 8 random facts about myself... so here we go.
1) I wanted to be a Rockette when I was little actually I still want to be one. I have a killer high kick. (at least I think so).
2) I can move my bottom lip back and forth real fast to make a funny face. You really have to see it to understand but I taught myself to do this when I worked at Wachovia as a teller in the drive thru.
3) I am terrified to stay by myself at night. I have never stayed in our house yet by myself. When we lived in Fayetteville, NC I stayed one night by myself in the apartment convinced I would be fine because I had really close neighbors. Let me just say that late that night I remembered my closest neighbors were hearing impaired...I think I slept 2 hours. :) Would they have known if I would have screamed?
4) If my house isn't clean I can't really rest. Its a curse from my Mom.
5) I still clog daily around my house and if people ask about my dance career I tell them I am a retired clogger. Yep I really do. Even if my sister is better.
6) Speaking of my sister, Sally Ann. As a woman she has a great impact on my life. Sally and My mom are my best friends. I want to be like her. She has the gentlest spirit, knows that a boy doesn't complete who she is, is rooted in her faith, she's gorgeous, has her whole life before her, and is only 17.
7) I cannot wait...I mean cannot wait to have kids. I already have names. Anna Grace (I love double names) Robert Caleb (call him Caleb), and Emma Rose (just Emma). Back up girl names are Maggie, Ava, Ben.
8) I try to be tom boy for my daddy and Adam but really I am terrified of worms, fish, and anything else icky. But I do love my boys.
1) I wanted to be a Rockette when I was little actually I still want to be one. I have a killer high kick. (at least I think so).
2) I can move my bottom lip back and forth real fast to make a funny face. You really have to see it to understand but I taught myself to do this when I worked at Wachovia as a teller in the drive thru.
3) I am terrified to stay by myself at night. I have never stayed in our house yet by myself. When we lived in Fayetteville, NC I stayed one night by myself in the apartment convinced I would be fine because I had really close neighbors. Let me just say that late that night I remembered my closest neighbors were hearing impaired...I think I slept 2 hours. :) Would they have known if I would have screamed?
4) If my house isn't clean I can't really rest. Its a curse from my Mom.
5) I still clog daily around my house and if people ask about my dance career I tell them I am a retired clogger. Yep I really do. Even if my sister is better.
6) Speaking of my sister, Sally Ann. As a woman she has a great impact on my life. Sally and My mom are my best friends. I want to be like her. She has the gentlest spirit, knows that a boy doesn't complete who she is, is rooted in her faith, she's gorgeous, has her whole life before her, and is only 17.
7) I cannot wait...I mean cannot wait to have kids. I already have names. Anna Grace (I love double names) Robert Caleb (call him Caleb), and Emma Rose (just Emma). Back up girl names are Maggie, Ava, Ben.
8) I try to be tom boy for my daddy and Adam but really I am terrified of worms, fish, and anything else icky. But I do love my boys.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Am I just now listening?
Lately, I have felt like God has just started teaching me. Seriously I was riding down the road today and thinking gosh, its like I am just being taught by our Lord. Then it was like a brick wall. He has been teaching me. I was tuned out. I felt like my life had been wasted so far. Had I not thought about anything? He has shown me grace, strength, encouragement, etc. Basically I absorbed all that He has given my and hidden it in my heart. I realized today that I am not the best friend and I am not always the best wife, daughter, sister. As I was thinking about all this and beginning to beat myself up I realized that my life is an art project. I am merly the clay. I am the canvas.
Adam and I listen to podcast sometimes and a pastor that we have listened to was preaching on transformation from sin to purity. This was me. I am saved, I have been redeemed but did I live my life as if I believed in the truth. Of course I don't do terrible things but what do I do? I "work" for Jesus in the church. I teach Sunday school with Adam. "You cannot expect a non-Christian to act like a Christian," Adam tells me this all the time. What strikes me now is then should I expect a Christian to act like a non-Christian? Its the same accountability, which I know is a touchy subject. For instance today I work at a Christian university and sometimes I find that its easier to work in a secular enviroment. At least then people tell you to your face you are crazy or spoiled or rude. I am realizing more and more that Christians tend to blend. Or worse we don't do anything about the injustices that we see right before us. All this being said I want to be accountable. I want to live everyday they way Christ wants me to live, no matter the cost. I never want to tune Him out again.
"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-and if there is any moral excellence and it there is any praise-dwell on these things." Phillipians 4:8
"Consider it a great joy, my brothers whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endureance. But endurance must do its complete work so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
Adam and I listen to podcast sometimes and a pastor that we have listened to was preaching on transformation from sin to purity. This was me. I am saved, I have been redeemed but did I live my life as if I believed in the truth. Of course I don't do terrible things but what do I do? I "work" for Jesus in the church. I teach Sunday school with Adam. "You cannot expect a non-Christian to act like a Christian," Adam tells me this all the time. What strikes me now is then should I expect a Christian to act like a non-Christian? Its the same accountability, which I know is a touchy subject. For instance today I work at a Christian university and sometimes I find that its easier to work in a secular enviroment. At least then people tell you to your face you are crazy or spoiled or rude. I am realizing more and more that Christians tend to blend. Or worse we don't do anything about the injustices that we see right before us. All this being said I want to be accountable. I want to live everyday they way Christ wants me to live, no matter the cost. I never want to tune Him out again.
"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-and if there is any moral excellence and it there is any praise-dwell on these things." Phillipians 4:8
"Consider it a great joy, my brothers whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endureance. But endurance must do its complete work so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
Monday, September 3, 2007
Whew I am tired!
1) Penny. Penny came into our lives Saturday, at Tractor Day with my Daddy. Sammie (Sally Ann) spotted her from a mile away. She is the cutest thing ever. She can sleep anywhere and hasn't peed on the carpet yet. Sammie has wanted a dog for so long and between the 2 of us we got her to crack and say yes. Penny got to walk downtown in Chimney Rock and ride on the pontoon. She is precious and we all love her so much already.
2) The Braves game. We lost but Adam and I went to Turner Field without one student from our youth group. Something that has never happened before. :) It was great until we went home and were stuck in Atanta traffic. He was fine, me I was a nervous wreck.
3) Adam's favorite memory: Trying to roll his kayak. He has been able to "run the whitewater" but hasn't learned to roll the kayak. This was so scary. I am standing knee deep in water at the dock at the lake while he is purposely trying to flip over and come back up in a kayak. Meanwhile, I am not to help. Even Caroline...the really gutsy grandkid was nervous. Oh yeah she almost killed him while she was driving the ski boat and he was tubing. Oh yeah his life flashed before my eyes! Well Adam never was able to completely flip over. He would flip, be under water and have to pull the spray skirt and swim out. He still had a blast. By the way...this wasn't he FAVORITE memory from this weekend but I am not going to describe his fav...just use your imagination. :)
I was so thankful for this weekend. It was restful and inspiring. The mountains were majestic and the food was good what more could you ask for?!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Happy Labor Day

This weekend is Labor Day Weekend. Adam and I have a full schedule just the way we like it. Friday- the Braves game in Atlanta
Saturday-Tractor show with Mom, Daddy, and Sally Ann. Daddy fixes up old Farmall tractors and gets them running again. the Lake with the whole Hopper clan. Caroline is coming up from Charleston. Liz, Adam, and I from Greenville and the rest of the clan will come from G-Vegas. I love my family so much! The are humorous, loving, obnoxious, and most of all supportive. I cannot wait to be there and ski and float and most of all eat. I hope you all have a great Labor Day and that God bless you and keeps you safe with your families.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Adam is the children's and youth pastor at our church. We love being involved in both. Sometimes he prefers the youth over the children but thats because sometimes he is not sure to do with the gaggle of giggling little girls that always fixate on him. But he is really funny when they lift up their dresses as all little girls do. He will sweetly say Maddie, put your dress down or lets keep our hands in our laps. HAHAHA its classic. Every Sunday during the children's sermon you bet on one of them being near him grinning. Starting in 2 weeks our Awana ministry will start back up. Life will be in full swing. So we decided to blitz an apartment complex we drive through to pick up kids. Well we didn't need flyers our bus was enough. Kids were coming from every angle trying to get to Adam. Quay is a beautiful soul that grins so big her face cannot hold her smile. Between her and her brothers and sisters everyone in that complex knew what we were doing. God has blessed us with these amazing children to love on. Quay wanted to come home with us. I would take her in a heartbeat. Actually I would take a lot of them home with me. We are excited about what God is going to do through us with this ministry. Thank you Jesus for little children and help me to have faith like a child in all that I do.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Adam appears calm and subdued until you really get to know him. In July, Adam bought a kayak. He loves it! For his 27th birthday we gave him kayak shoes, watertight bags, something to hold his ipod, keys, and whatever else he can stick in the kayak. This is just one of many thing he loves to do. If he could still jump out of airplanes everyday he would. Something I love dearly about him is that he challenges me to be nuts. I love my feet on the ground. I like rollercoasters but I have to psych myself up to get on them. My aunt has a lake house at Lake Lure in NC. Adam loves to jump from her boat house into the water. I am content to jump from the ladder about 1 ft. from the water. But together I feel like I can jump from the top of the boat house and I can ride the rollercoasters that I actually love now. Anyway this is a random blog, just to say that today I am feeling adventurous and ready to face what might come my way.
Lord, thank you for the adventure of life. I am so happy I am spending it with my wonderful hubby.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I love this man!!
Its Thursday at 10:30 in the morning and I just want the world to know that I love my husband. He is amazing. Last night I was tired, frustrated, and wanting him to love on me. Of course he was there as always. But today I want the world to know that he is my best friend, my encouragment, my protector from things big and small, and most importantly my love. No one could love me better except Jesus. Adam, you are my gift and I love you.
Dear Jesus,
Be with Adam. Protect him, give him wisdom and discernment. Open his eyes to your will for him. Thank you for the love that he shows me daily when I really don't deserve it. Thank you for a loving and energetic husband. AMEN!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What a day...
My two favorite girls, Sally Ann and Sarah.
Let's see my day began great. Nice morning while I was in the comfort of my home. When I left for work I was pumped for a crazy day. My boss is retiring in September and his last big "event" is a huge dinner. I am talking 250 guests and basically I have planned the whole thing. So, I get to work and I am filling up my big water jug when one of my co-workers says, "um, em, did you forget about today?" I am supposed to be wearing some kind of black, red, or white clothing. (NGU's school colors) But what do I have on? Oh gray pants with a cute little cardigan. Here I go home again. I change, put on a little more war-paint, and head back to get my picture taken for our boss. Needless to say my day was going great.
The day wears on with my running around like a chicken with my head cut off in a great skirt with a red top and the pearls I wore in my wedding. :) Then in comes my gift. Sarah. She is my work study and first child. She calls me Mom on a daily basis, even in front of the school President. Basically God gave her to me to minister to me. Sarah is from Myrtle Beach and is 19. Jesus flows from this child. I should be the one ministering her and yet God shows me through her everything I need sometimes. By 3pm I am crying in my office. Completely overwhelmed. In comes Adam, my knight in shining armor, and by the time he leaves I am smiling again, with Sarah by myside getting all thing accomplished. Jesus has given me Sarah. I don't know what I will do when she graduates. I still have 2 years with her but I know our friendship will last a lifetime.
This evening Sarah and I went to dinner and then I went to church. We had game night...need I say more? I love games! Once again, in my awful day Jesus always makes me smile. Now I am here with my hubby watching the Braves lose, again but I am content and the big event? I gave it to Jesus through me He will accomplish.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Let' try this again...
Delight. Enjoy. Seek. I have been going through this words a lot latetly. God is doing a mighty work in my heart. He is showing me, again, that life with Him is daily surrender from Emily to Jesus. I don't think I am a selfish person I just tend to begin my quest to make the world happy when all that matters is Him. He is my happiness.
This summer Adam and I have been non-stop. VBS, camp with Foster Christy, who by the way is amazing. Teen Jam every Friday night...:) in a gym with no air. :) I guess God has taken our new adventures at church to a new level. Our Awana progam starts up soon and I am Co Commander. I can't wait. I love being able to love on all the kids and helping them learn the Word of God. Camp at Garden City Beach was a highlight of the summer. The youth learned so much and rejuvinated their souls. Of course, I over did it and was dehydrated by Tuesday. Yes, I couldn't put weight on my feet and I was alone while everyone was at worship. I knew God would send me someone before I would be desperate. He never ceases to amaze me.
School has started back for Adam. 3 more semesters. North Greenville is great and I love working their and loving on the students I work with.
Sally Ann is a senior this year. I cannot believe it. She has had the best summer ever. Top 10 at Miss SC Teen and a decision on where to attend school on top of growing closer to Jesus.
Thank you Jesus for my family and friends that you have sent to encourage and love me for me. I love you!
This summer Adam and I have been non-stop. VBS, camp with Foster Christy, who by the way is amazing. Teen Jam every Friday night...:) in a gym with no air. :) I guess God has taken our new adventures at church to a new level. Our Awana progam starts up soon and I am Co Commander. I can't wait. I love being able to love on all the kids and helping them learn the Word of God. Camp at Garden City Beach was a highlight of the summer. The youth learned so much and rejuvinated their souls. Of course, I over did it and was dehydrated by Tuesday. Yes, I couldn't put weight on my feet and I was alone while everyone was at worship. I knew God would send me someone before I would be desperate. He never ceases to amaze me.
School has started back for Adam. 3 more semesters. North Greenville is great and I love working their and loving on the students I work with.
Sally Ann is a senior this year. I cannot believe it. She has had the best summer ever. Top 10 at Miss SC Teen and a decision on where to attend school on top of growing closer to Jesus.
Thank you Jesus for my family and friends that you have sent to encourage and love me for me. I love you!
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