The past few days have been an interesting struggle. I have faced fears that I didn't think I would have to face, stayed in the hospital for the first time in my 26 years, and been the most scared I have ever been in 26 years.
I have been thinking about how blessed I have been and wanted to share those with you. I also will be using this blog now for Anna Grace too. One day, she will want to know what her Mama did for 6 to 8 weeks before she arrived.
I have the most wonderful husband in the world. I knew early on in my life that he was wonderful. Now, 9 years later, I am forever greatful for him. Right now, he is in the kitchen making me brownies. He has always loved my endlessly and I am very aware and thankful for that. If you don't know him personally I hope you meet him one day...you won't be the same.
My family- from the food to the countless deeds they have done, I am forever thankful.
Anna Grace- Sweet one you have blessed your mama and daddy beyond belief. You never cease to amaaze us. We can't wait to hold you, touch your sweet face, and put you in all the cute clothes you already have. We pray for you always and can't wait for you to officially be here. Although you can wait another 80 days or so.
I am so thankful for my savior. He has walked with us through this journey and I refuse to believe that He doesn't have a plan for our little family. He has blessed us with an amazing doctor who prays over us like we are his family.
A few random things this pregnant girl is thankful for: dvr, brownies, dr. pepper (even thought I haven't drank a lot!), my Pepper J, sleep, Facebook, blogs, and the internet. :)
I hope you will think tonight about what you are thankful for, I promise it will help heal hurt and make you eager for the next day.