My two favorite girls, Sally Ann and Sarah.
Let's see my day began great. Nice morning while I was in the comfort of my home. When I left for work I was pumped for a crazy day. My boss is retiring in September and his last big "event" is a huge dinner. I am talking 250 guests and basically I have planned the whole thing. So, I get to work and I am filling up my big water jug when one of my co-workers says, "um, em, did you forget about today?" I am supposed to be wearing some kind of black, red, or white clothing. (NGU's school colors) But what do I have on? Oh gray pants with a cute little cardigan. Here I go home again. I change, put on a little more war-paint, and head back to get my picture taken for our boss. Needless to say my day was going great.
The day wears on with my running around like a chicken with my head cut off in a great skirt with a red top and the pearls I wore in my wedding. :) Then in comes my gift. Sarah. She is my work study and first child. She calls me Mom on a daily basis, even in front of the school President. Basically God gave her to me to minister to me. Sarah is from Myrtle Beach and is 19. Jesus flows from this child. I should be the one ministering her and yet God shows me through her everything I need sometimes. By 3pm I am crying in my office. Completely overwhelmed. In comes Adam, my knight in shining armor, and by the time he leaves I am smiling again, with Sarah by myside getting all thing accomplished. Jesus has given me Sarah. I don't know what I will do when she graduates. I still have 2 years with her but I know our friendship will last a lifetime.
This evening Sarah and I went to dinner and then I went to church. We had game night...need I say more? I love games! Once again, in my awful day Jesus always makes me smile. Now I am here with my hubby watching the Braves lose, again but I am content and the big event? I gave it to Jesus through me He will accomplish.