Anna Grace had two playdates last week! Whew did we have fun. Wednesday we went to see Megan Bates and her two boys, Caleb and Nathan. Originally Caleb was AG's boyfriend. He loved her! But his little brother is giving him a run for his money. Nathan just grunted and watched Anna Grace everytime he was awake. I forgot my camera so sorry I didn't get pictures of the blessed event. But I did manage to get a shot of Anna Grace and Sara Kay on Thursday.

Sara Kay's mom, Ashley and I were pregnant together and due a day apart. Our moms were also pregnant with us at the same time. I really hope they grow up to be great friends.
Anna Grace also got a little play time with her cousins Caroline and Anthony on Saturday.

The girls are a month apart and shared Cheerios nicely. Its always great to get the cousins together. The four girls are going to be nice and fun when they are older.
Anna Grace is a paci girl. She has one in her mouth at naps and one in her hand and she holds her lovey. Its precious to put her to bed with the pink one in her mouth and then check on her only to find that she has switched that paci to her blue one.

Finally, we still don't have a tooth. I could care less except for the fact that she is so out of sorts. Her little gums hurt her so badly. I tell her tooth all the time to hurry up! Adam and I are worried that more than one is going to pop through quickly. Which I guess won't be terrible thing!