The past few days have been full of preparation. Preparing for Easter and the joyous celebration that day involves. Preparing my house for a mobile daughter. Preparing my heart for Anna Grace's surgery. Preparing our life for traveling over 8 hours away to have the surgery. It has been an incredible ride and I wanted to share a few of the blessings we have already seen.
Preparation: We had been praying for the Lord to give us two weeks notice before having to travel to Cincinnati Childrens Hospital. Well when CCH called last week we were given 4 weeks notice. Incredible. He knows more than we do. The surgery will be on April 21st.
Emotion: I have times of peace and deep dread for this surgery. I know exactly where each is from. The Lord gives me such peace. Not an answer just peace. I couldn't ask for more. Sometimes answers confuse the problem and cause chaos. Right now I am happy with the peace. The dread is from the enemy. Of course I am going to be anxious but The Word tells me know to worry about tomorrow. I am clinging to that.
Joy: Anna Grace is the most joyous child. She laughs and plays all day. I am not saying she doesn't challenge me but I am grateful for her laughter and happiness.
Love: We have seen an outpouring of love. Our church loving on us. Family members having yardsales to help with the cost of traveling and offering points to lower the cost of hotel rooms. We are amazed by it all.
As Easater comes closer, I am focusing on celebrating Easter from Anna Grace's viewpoint. What child like faith she has. May I have that faith in my Father as he continues carry us on this journey.
What are you focusing on this week as you prepare your heart for Easter and the Lord's ressurection?